Mo - Sat: 8:00am - 9:00pm
Robotic Cancer Surgery
Less pain, Less blood loss & Quick Recovery
Dr Siddharth Shah

Endoscopic Cancer Surgeon

Head and neck cancers are primarily treated with surgery. This includes diagnostic procedures for certain head and neck cancers and radical open surgery for adequate removal of cancer. However, advances in minimally invasive surgery allow better cosmetic and functional outcomes without compromising oncologic safety.

The minimal access surgeries are either done with a laparoscope or robot. We offer the entire spectrum of open and minimal access to head and neck surgeries.

Robotic Cancer Surgeon

Robotic surgery systems use one or more robotic arms that surgeons control remotely and precisely using a nearby console. The robotic device used in surgery are known for having greater dexterity and range of motion than humans have using traditional laparoscopic, or minimally invasive, surgery. As these surgeries rely on small incisions. This technique is usually associated with less pain, less blood loss, shorter hospital stays, and shorter recovery times.

Best Endoscopic Cancer Surgeon in Ahmedabad

Dr Siddharth Shah performs Endoscopic Cancer surgeries with the da Vinci surgical system in Ahmedabad. It gives our surgeon an advanced set of instruments to use in performing robotic-assisted minimally invasive surgery.

The da Vinci system translates surgeon’s hand movements at the console in real time, bending and rotating the instruments while performing the procedure. The tiny wristed instruments move like a human hand, but with a greater range of motion. The da Vinci vision system also delivers highly magnified, 3D high-definition views of the surgical area. The instrument size makes it possible for surgeons to operate through one or a few small incisions.

Endoscopic and Scarless Cancer Surgeon in Ahmedabad

Frequently Asked Questions on Robotic Cancer Surgery
1. What is robotic surgery?

Robotics Surgery is a surgical technology platform used by surgeons to enhance surgical capabilities.

2. Who performs the surgery?

The operating surgeon is in control of the technology and the conduct of the operation. The surgeon controls the surgery using robotic surgical device that offer high level of precision if operated with perfection. The involvement of the surgeon increases to even greater level as the incisions are small and surgical procedure is to be done through that.

3. Why Robotic Cancer Surgery is better?

Robotic surgery has several advantages including quick recovery, less pain, less blood loss, less time in the hospital, and return to everyday life and activities. Robotic surgery is also known as minimally invasive surgery which results in scarless skin after recovery.

4. Who are performing Robotic Head & Neck Surgery in Ahmedabad

Dr. Siddharth Shah is the only Head and Neck Cancer Surgeon in Ahmedabad performing Robotic Head and Neck Cancer Surgeries. With his expereince of over 15 years, Dr Siddharth is a leading onco surgeon in Ahmedabad.

5. Is robotic surgery safe?

Robotic surgery is safe with the experienced surgeon because it is a surgical technology that has to be used appropriately and with perfection to achieve the desired surgical results. All surgeries carry some degree of risk.